How to choose an anti-aging cream that won't make you break out

My friend Maggie didn’t expect her first time buying age cream would lead to such an emotional meltdown. But she told me her hilarious story, and I asked her to blog it and share it with you all.

“I’m supposed to be 30, flirty and thriving…but instead I was still agonizing over my sensitive face.

I had finally figured out the right combination of face wash, serum and lotion, but then my 30th birthday came and flipped my script.

I saw this commercial that said “If you grew up watching Spongebob Squarepants or Rocko’s Modern Life, it’s time to start using anti-aging cream.”

Wait, what?! That’s me!

The truth is, I was afraid to change my skin care routine – what if it ruins my acne-free routine?!

Fast forward, I’m happy to report that I’m fine and my face is still my best friend. My friends (aka skin consultants at Y’OUR) shared with me a few tips to add anti-aging ingredients while keeping the equilibrium in my customized skin care kit.”

So, here are our tips:

1. Stay away from mineral oil. Companies like to think that aging skin must be dry and brittle, so “we better pack in the hydration oils.” Uhhh, so if you’re like Maggie and have acne-prone skin even in your 30s but want to get a head start on wrinkle prevention, stay away from the mineral oil.

2. Go easy on retinol. Retinol is a concentrated form of Vitamin A that is like the gold standard for anti-aging. But it can be a bit of a ticking timebomb for acne sufferers. When you start using retinol, your skin goes through a major purge – similar to a mini chemical peel! You’ll get a mega breakout, and then your skin will start flaking off like after a bad sunburn. (It can be super awkward when you go to the bathroom at work and realize that your face is bright red and it looks like you have chin dandruff…) So we recommend starting with the lowest retinol concentration you can find to ease the transition into reaping its anti-aging properties.

If any of this is starting to freak you out like it did Maggie – don’t worry. Shoot me a message - we can help you evaluate your customized skin care kit with the perfect anti-aging regimen to boot.

Happy aging!

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